II edición. 25 a 28 nov 2010 | English |
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Patrizia Monzani Italia http://patriziamonzani.tk Proyecto: Found Footage Water as a symbol of nature, water as the origin of life and therefore of man. The video, entirly realized with archive material from the internet movie database [opensource film] shortly narrates the history of humanity and its relationship with our planet earth. tag: videoart |
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Juan Carlos Sánchez Duque |
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Antye Greie Finlandia www.poemproducer.com Proyecto: From Morning On [Wildnis Performance Edit] This video is an edited sequence of the footage made during the 1st tests of Wildnis Performance project, that took place in the woods of the Lake District / UK, during a 5 days residency at Grizedale Arts. The relationship between digital society and wild nature is the core interest of this project. How do they coexist, communicate and interact. This work is a research of digital music performance, composition and installation in wild nature to be broadcasted in real time to a global audience via web interface. During the residency, I used voice, poetry, digital processing, prerecorded field recordings, etc and played electronic sounds in the woods, using a PA first and then a FM transmitter to distribute the sound to 12 radios. Few different recorders were used to register the experiments and there were also people filming. I build this audiovisual sequence that works as documentation and stand as a video piece for itself. Whenever I am in nature alone, I feel truth. Whatever truth means. I am curious, how it feels to connect wild nature with digital technology, which is part of my form of expression. I want to play digital music concerts in wild nature and record the result with highest quality possible. I was thinking, a solely experience of that quality reveals the truth about anything. Dear reader, use your fantasy to imagine any situation or thing in the middle of the woods or anywhere where humans do not dominate the surrounding. tag: videoart |
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Matteo Maroni Trento. Italia Proyecto: I like feel goog I use personal family footage to re-design new visual spaces which can be read and absorbed by different viewers in different ways, using them to renegotiate and reaffirm my personal memories. In this short video images are treated as reflected mirrors, autonomous objects of a past time which doesn’t have any geographical nor chronological context, seen as portraits from an utopian archaic childhood. Elements such as nature, trees, human beings and animals are parts of a bucolic diptych, a sign of God/Spectator will and control over the forces that share the screen. The spectator assist to a scene which is common and familiar in everyone’s mind and consciousness, but materialized into something ancestral. Every element seems to be under another element’s control and force, the small chicks in the young girls’ hands, the nature surrounding them. Every element symbolizes the purity and the innocence [the children, the small birds, the sunny forests] but also a inner and cruel force belonging to every being. The Eden is in front of us, the pre-consciousness world asset with its forces and drives. Some sound signs emerge from this living diptych, the first sounds ever heard. tag: videoart |
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David Boardman Italia http://www.tinktank.it Proyecto: The Penultimate Supper Food is our common ground, a universal experience that brings together people and serves as conjunction element for conversations. Food conviviality is common to any culture and its symbolic value has been pictured in many artworks from Leonardo’s Last Supper to the contemporary cinema. On the other hand, food has a close relation with environmental issues. For instance, everyday-mass consumption and industrial food processing are responsible for alterations along the food chain, climate change, biodiversity mutations, epidemic diseases spreading and brutal treatment of animals. The Penultimate Supper is a mixed-media installation that shows together the symbolic representation of food and its production methods to stress such opposition. Whereas food consumption is represented as a convivial moment and widely spread by media, food processing operations is carefully hidden from the peoples’ view. The Penultimate Supper stresses such separation between reality, media myth and collective imaginary. The installation is composed by several video monitors that continuously display a combination of scenes dealing with food processing footages and food-consumption sequences taken from worldwide movies. The videos are displayed in a number of recombinant ways in order to reproduce original conversation among movie scenes and highlighting the disjunction with the food processing. tag: videoart |
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Julian Palacz
Vienna. Austria http://julian.palacz.at http://vimeo.com/8496475 Proyecto: Prime Numbers on a Timeline Visualization of the distribution of prime numbers on a time line A prime number [or a prime] is a natural number that has exactly two distinct natural number divisors: 1 and itself. The smallest prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23,… For over two thousand years no practical use could be deducted from the discovery of prime numbers. The emergence of PCs radically changed the hidden use of prime numbers, prime numbers play a vital role in crypto graphics. Timeline – A timeline which is divided by several units [samples, minutes/ seconds or beats]. |
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