25th to 27th nov 2010 | Español |
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David Boardman &
Paolo Gerbaudo Italy http://tinktank.it Project: In.fondo.al.mar [Under the sea] Is a data-driven journalism and information-visualization project that aims at offering on the Web an investigation toolkit regarding a series of sinking incidents happened in the Mediterranean Sea during the last 30 years involving ships suspected of having carried toxic and radioactive waste. Bringing poisons afloat: They have been called "poison ships", "toxic ships", "disposable ships". They are dozens of commercial vessels, which misteriously sank during the last thirty years in the Mediterranean sea. The suspicion that hovers over these accidents is disturbing. The ships would have been deliberately sunk by a network of mafia groups, scruple-less entrepreneurs and white collars scruples to cheaply dispose of tons of toxic, chemical and radioactive waste and make impressive profits on the public health. Apart from such figures, in this traffic Western governments and secret services would have also participated. The website publishes for the first time all the official data on the mincidents obtained through an extensive research conducted on the Lloyd's Register of Shipping in London, alongside archival information gathered from press clippings, dossiers produced by environmental organizations, and specialist websites, in order to produce an open dataset on the case, to be freely downloaded by its users and employed for other projects. Technical Dates: Web-basedapplication offering several information-visualization tools to sparkle further investigations and distributed sousveillance dynamics among the site visitors. tag: geospatial |
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Seth Ellis USA http://sethsellis.com Project: The View From Here Any modern city contains multiple natures and multiple elements drawn from around the world. The View From Here draws on these non-linear influences by relocating multiple historical, personal and shared narratives within the confines of a single physical city. A collection of urban stories from history, literature, pop culture and personal accounts are commingled and re-presented as an interactive tour that explore the presence and continuity of urban spaces over time, as well as the cultural myths and personal experiences that shape our sense of those places: the café, the restaurant, the bar, even the parking space. The tour will then be mapped to specific locations in the city as a randomized synthesis of dozens of stories from around the world. Each stop of the tour is compiled out of fragments of narratives about similar locations. Participants will also be invited to contribute their own stories, resulting in a tour that is constantly expanding and changing. Historical reports from 1600s London will co-exist with stories of Istanbul in the 10th Century and recollections of Atlanta in the 1980s; fragments from all of urban history will converge and be revealed within the physical experience of walking down the road. The audio tour will be available as a mobile download and online through Google Maps. This project is a new, expanded version of the project The World Is My 8th Street, which premiered at the Conflux Festival in New York City, October 2010. That project can be seen at http://www.sethsellis.com/8th. tag: geospatial |
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Lorea Iglesias Spain http://artismobile.wordpress.com Project: Mobile Art Blog Mobile Art Blog es un espacio en el que principalmente se muestran proyectos artísticos y culturales vinculados a la comunicación inalámbrica, especialmente a la tecnología de comunicación móvil. También bibliografía relacionada, información sobre festivales, eventos y textos teóricos entorno a la telefonía móvil y la creación contemporánea tag: blog |
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