II edición. 25 a 28 nov 2010 | English |
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Bjørn Wangen |
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Tomás Rawski |
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Antye Greie Finlandia http://mauer.poemproducer.com/ Proyecto: Reflections On The Wall Is an online a/v installation about the fall of the Berlin wall, released on the 9th ofNovember 2009 in the artist main website http://mauer.poemproducer.com As the title suggests the work is a series of thoughtful reflections about this historic event that affected directly both her personal and artistic life. A personal reflection of past and light on a wall. With 20 years distance this highly personal work integrates history, sound art, poetry, calligraphy, video art and memories. Communist East German society raised Greie to believe that the Berlin Wall was justified for two decades and one day both, the Wall and her nation were gone. That experience often haunts the poetry and post-techno explorations as AGF, and it\'s explicit in her online audio poem, Reflections on the Wall, an oral history specked with shocks of mechanical noise and fragmented vocals. Greie chose narrative, sound poetry, documentation video as well as paintings, images and an abstract audiovisual composition to express reflections which stand now as a permanent personal monument in the Internet . Abstract as random light on a wall is the memory of the THE wall. How come it could exist, was it just another experiment by humans on humans ? tag: net art |
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Antye Greie
Finland http://meetings.poemproducer. com/ Proyecto: Conversations between Antye Greie and Annie Abrahams Is an online remote performance project based on a series of meetings between Annie Abrahams, in Montpellier, and Antye Greie, in Hailuoto, to be streamed via web interface. They talk about wind, pixels, Law, mothers, key frame, snow, philosophies, fruits, thinking and islands, humans and words, nuts, recording quality, law, patriotism, love, ocean space, sound rate, communism, dancing, languages and salad, future. The relation does not exist, it comes into being. This project is a collaboration between the mentioned artists. When using the Internet to communicate, as so many do these days, you include malfunctions from the beginning. Contrary to general beliefs technological means don't facilitate communication but change it. So we will also be handicapped by time lags, glitches, cuts in our connection, bandwidth problems etc. But as we cannot trust on anything but our desire to meet the other, our conversations also profit from this vulnerability and become all the more genuine. In these performances we start with accepting misunderstanding as an all present feature of communication and use failure to reach out to the other. A Meeting is a Meeting is a Meeting is the first series of conversations. In these first 9, five minutes lasting conversations we explored themes like love, communism, wilderness, news, collaboration, space and patriotism. tag: net art |
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Tamara Lai |
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Oded Perry and Tamar Schori |
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Hannah Cox |
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Alan Bigelow USA http://www.webyarns.com/ThisIsNotAPoem.html Proyecto: This Is Not A Poem "This Is Not A Poem\" takes the famous poem "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer and, transcribing it onto a "scratchable" disk, makes it into a toy, a game, and a language engine. The piece is online, and a visitor can navigate the work by mouse movements on the poem text and disk. "This Is Not A Poem" is infinitely playable, in the sense that once the text has been deconstructed, it can be renewed and played again tag: net art |
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Velcroart & Fedón [Marta Azparren,Raquel Samaniego y Jesús Barranco] Spain http://velcroart.net/paraisos Proyecto: Paraísos Antes de entrar en las pruebas de acceso al paraíso, debes situarte en las circunstancias de tu muerte. No consideres estas pruebas como una examen sobre la verosimilitud de tu imaginación, sino como un juego entre el intelecto y la pasión. Por favor, pregúntate con tranquilidad. No existe la preselección si la decisión es la de no seguir. ¿Estás muerto?. Paraísos es un pieza surgida del diálogo entre el colectivo de net-art Velcroart y el actor Jesús Barranco, en calidad del heterónimo Fedón. Paraísos es una pieza de net art que consiste en una serie de pruebas interactivas online de acceso al paraíso. El usuario debe responder a un video-cuestionario interactivo, (una grabación en vídeo de la entrevista-performance real con Fedón) con diversas pruebas eliminatorias que determinarán si está preparado para ingresar en el paraíso virtual alojado en la web. tag: net art |
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Lara Salinas Alejandre Valencia. España http://historia1857557.wordpress.com Proyecto: Historia 1857557 1857557 es el número que me vincula con mi historia clínica, un montón de papeles llenos de cifras y garabatos, que mi endocrino y yo llevamos escribiendo desde abril de 2000, tratando de describir con exactitud mi cuerpo y su diabetes tipo I. Y una historia es siempre una historia. Esta es autobiográfica y procesual; y aunque comienza a gestarse en 2006, se desarrolla públicamente en formato blog desde junio de 2009. La diabetes me exige aproximarme al cuerpo a través del dato clínico que produce el control de la enfermedad. Es por ello que el extenso e íntimo archivo documental de Historia 1857557 llega a ser más representativo de mi cuerpo que la propia materia orgánica que lo forma; mi avatar, el espejo donde me reconozco e, inmersa en la monotonía y automatismo de la diabetes, recupero el control mi cuerpo. Esta incursión en mi cuerpo lleva al espectador a reflexionar acerca de cómo la tecnología modifica nuestro modo de relacionarnos con el mundo, y en concreto cómo el sujeto contemporáneo se aproxima a la realidad por medio de la representación, de la reconfiguración del individuo a través del dato, nutriéndose de su propia representación electrónica o avatar. Historia 1857557 es una experiencia transmediática. Prioritariamente en el blog pero también a través de Facebook, Youtube y Flick, son publicados los más de 300 documentos multimedia que hasta ahora ha ido generando el control de la diabetes, ofreciendo una visión global, hiperreal y descarnada de mi cuerpo. tag: net art |
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Jürgen Trautwein San Francisco. USA http://www.jtwine.com/zero1zeroset.htm Proyecto: Zero1 Zero walks Zero 1 zero walks, are experimental web based mini documentaries about the Tenderloin, an edgy neighborhood in San Francisco's downtown. tag: net art |
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Clauss Nicolas Francia http://www.flyingpuppet.com/shock/2009 Proyecto: MMIX MMIX* is a timeless work in four interactive tableaus, where each visitor is invited to follow with his eyes and ears what his mouse gestures reveal. At each caress, sound and visual elements get randomly muddled up on the screen creating always new combinations. A work travelling between real and surreal, dream and mind, rage and fright, where humour and drama are cruelly mixed to suggest the sad patterns of our contemporary reality. |
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Videored Colombia www.videored.org Proyecto: Videored Videored es una plataforma para la red, resultado de una investigaciónde la Facultad de Artes de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, cofinanciado por el Banco de Santander. El proyecto plantea la creación colectiva a través de la participación con contenidos para la plataforma.Angélica |
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Jason Nelson Australia http://www.secrettechnology.com/explode/evidence.html Proyecto: Evidence of Everything Exploding Digital Poem description: Video games are a language, a grammar or linguistics of various texts. The sounds, the movement, the graphics, the rules or lack of rules, everything about a video game is a component of language. A digital poetry game must combine all these elements, strange and interactive stanzas, crossed out and obstructed lines, sounds and texts triggered and lost during the play. Indeed the game interface becomes a road to inhabiting the digital poem, to coaxing the reader/player into living and creating within the game/poetry space. Using a top down, platform engine (without gravity) Evidence of Everything Exploding is a game driven digital poem exploring various historical and contemporary texts. Each level’s poetic content is built from the tag: net art |
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Tina Velho Brasil http://www.tinavelho.com.br/taolongetaoperto/index.html Proyecto: So Far Away...So Close Las composiciones son creadas a partir de cámaras web en vivo conectado en varias partes del mundo. No importa lo que muestran, sin importar dónde se encuentren. Lo que me importa es la luz, el color y el tiempo que nunca se repite, los ciclos, lo múltiple y lo múltiple ser. Un momento único en un momento dado. |
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Daniel Góngora España http://www.danielgongora.net/ Proyecto: D.G.
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