25th to 27th nov 2010 | Español |
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Alessandro Ludovico Italy http://www.neural.it Project: Distributed Archives The project "Distributed Archives" proposes to test models for implementing networked archives containing references to "physical" [paper or electronic] stuff, in order to be usable by individuals and/or small institutions, and to be searchable simultaneously. The main goal is to let the small archives [primarily the personal ones and those accumulated by small institutions] emerge and developing tools that can finally put them online. As a direct result of this process there are several repercussions. Among the more obvious there is a tangible enrichment of the cultural scene in which those archives belong to. Moreover, these materials are enriching the net itself as being usually older than the public and commercial web (started in the middle nineties]. So they are able to document cultural processes usually only partially present on the net, especially in their physical documentations. Moreover the availability of these materials on the Internet gives a substantial cultural weight to those who have accumulated, showing their existence outside the walls where they were physically preserved. Finally, although often being archived only as references, they constitute a unique source for researchers and scholars of the respective phenomena, preserving their memory and precise cataloging |
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Beatriz Ramírez Argentina http://www.proyectocruzdelsur.com.ar Project: Proyecto Cruz del Sur Proyecto Cruz del Sur, es el desarrollo de una Obra Artística Colectiva e Internacional, creada bajo la característica de Comunidad Digital. Los artistas, desde cualquier parte en el mundo, participan publicando experiencias, documentación y contenidos conformando así un cuerpo conceptual, apto para el Análisis de los Fenómenos Artísticos Contemporáneos. Asimismo el espacio conlleva el firme propósito de funcionar como un \"Think Tank\", útil a los Docentes responsables de la Educación Artística en la Enseñanza Media. Por lo tanto, "Proyecto Cruz del Sur", es un sitio de intercambio e interrelación entre las Comunidades Artística y Educativa. Tanto para participar activamente en la Comunidad como para formar parte de los talleres de proceso creativo en Artes Visuales, basta con Registrase. También, se instalaron foros públicos y una sala de Chat con la aspiración de crear lazos de comunicación entre la Comunidad Artística y la Educativa. |
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Moisés Mañas España www.untitledcity.com Proyecto: Untitled City Es un proyecto interactivo on line inspirado en el texto de Paul Virilio "Speed and information: Cyberspace Alarm". Es una metáfora de ciudad hipertextual, sin nombre. La información [texto, color, direccion...] en movimeinto por la pantalla provocan ese juego de la velocidad anunciado por Virilio |
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Calin Romania http://revoltaire.net/avatar Project: My Avatar Is Your Avatar MyAvatarYourAvatar Khalim is another krestanatz from reVoltaire archive. because i am too lazy to do something reasonable with this nonWalter Ego character, i invite you to take My Avatar and do whatever you want with him. for instance, choose some peculiar Second Life spot. |
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Antoine Schmitt France www.thegrandcredits.info Project: The Grand Credits Long credits slowly roll on the movie screen, from bottom to top. First name, last name. First name, last name. It is the list of the names of all human beings. Everyone is named, and all names are displayed with the same visual importance. This permanent technological artwork installed on internet uses all possible means to effectively list the names of all human beings. Artistic concept: Extrapolating the warholian 15 minutes of fame in our democratic society of the spectacle, The Grand Credits gives to every one its room in the credits. But what is the movie ? Is there a scenario ? Who wrote it ? Are things pre-programmed, or are we all still free to act ? The Grand Credits is anchored in my artistic obsession with the opposition between destiny and free will, and it ends up questioning each and everyone of us on our own identity and responsibility. Is it the opening or the closing credits ? |
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