art innovation call
Deadline: Alls Calls open until 30th june 2009:

- Art - Science - Innovation:
Calling on all creatives of the world to participate.


- Digital Communities

- Storytelling geoespatial

- Artificial Life

- Software Art

- Transgenic Art

- Generative Art

- Videogames

- Robotic

- Open Source


- Videocreation

- Net-art

- Animation,2D, 3D

- Blog, videoblog

- Creation for mobile platforms

- Videodance

>registration closed

- International Digital Experimental Cinema Festival:

- Film

- Short film

- Webfilm

- 3D Cinema

- Animation

- 60 seg

>registration closed

-STAGE call:

- Performance

- Theatre new media

- Dance new media

- Fashion Innovation

- Web Development 2.0, 3.0

>registration closed


- DJ´S

- Wj´S

- Electronic Music

- Experimental Music

- Live Visual Sessions

- Streaming Music

- Experimental Sound Sessions

>registration closed
