22th to 27th sept 09 | Español

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art - innovation call

Tenerife Espacio de las Artes
Internacional Meetings of Creativity, Innovation & Digital Culture


August - September |
During the month of August and September will be at TALKS between the directors of ESPACIO ENTER and representatives of diverse artistic and innovative sectors of Canary Island.
They will be open to the public.
TEA. Tenerife Espacio de las Artes |
Thursday 3st september |
19,00 h. to 20,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Lecture-hearing on the new concepts and sonorous esthetics. Sound art ¿Is this music?. The sound Creation in the 21st century.
Speaker: Rosa Pérez. Director Fluido Rosa of Radio 3. RNE
Radio National of Spain
Sunday 6th september |
Program alive Fluido Rosa of RADIO 3 on the venue on S/C of Tenerife RNE about activities of ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS
Tuesday 22th september |
12,00 h. - 20,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Experimental Digital lmage
Selected of international calls ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS &
Nationals and internationals Festivals
- Japan Media Arts Festival. Japan
- Mundos Digitales. Spain
- Transmediale. Germany
- Eyebeam. New York
- Art Futura Show. Spain
- Program of Curators

12,00 h. - 20,00 h.
Set 1. tv set and foto call on hall of TEA
-Presentation Contest ACCIÓN ENTER with colaboration program:Cámara 2.0 Miradas2 tve (Spanish National Public tv)
Vido and photos record during ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS -
22th to 27th sept - at TEA

With the participation: Creators, investigators, institutional representatives... with the objective to analyze the cultural present time and the innovation in the islands and to carry out proposals that impact in an improvement of the cultural infrastructures, the cooperation between diverse sectors and the participation in global networks.

- Interviews:
with the national and international participants at ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS.

- Space of opinion and participation e-30, creative youths that develop its activity in the urban and digital culture.

Set 2. Information Point

16,30 h. a 19,30 h. Workshop place · TEA
Interdisciplinary workshops of creation with programs of open code for robotic, sonorous, digital art, performance...
- Workshop of MIDIbox

20,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
Presentation CD and DVD of the Concert ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS record alive in Auditorio de Tenerife, 22th July 09.
Speakers: Representatives of the Institutions sponsors, participating musicians in the Concert and the directors of ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS
Projection DVD of the Concert. Duration approx. 50 minutes.
Wendsday 23th september |
12,00 h. - 16,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Imagen Digital Experimental
- Cinema & video “Made in Canarias”
- Canarias en Corto
- Canarias Mediafest
16,00. h - 19,00. h
Presentation Canarian Projects.
- Promineo Studios. Isidro Quintana. 3D Animation
- Javier Caldas. Director of cinema
- Master 3D. ULL
- ISLAND. Carlos Belda. Actor & cultural management
- LaSal Producciones. Antonio Nascimento. Director
-Taller de Arte. Roberto Lucas
- Mykel Lima. Photographer and designer

16,30 h. - 19,00 h. Workshop place · TEA
- Workshop DRUPAL
19,30 h. - 21,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
Forum“Cinema on Canary Island Canario: Art & Industria”
Debates with the participation of directors and agents of the canarian audiovisual canarian. Presentation of proposals for the impulse and international diffusion of the audiovisual sector.
-Eduardo Araujo. Chairman of ACEPA Asociation of Audiovisual Production Companies
-Javier Caldas. Director of cinema
- Luís García. Kroma Pr.
- Miguel Toledo. Director of cinema
- Paco Sotelo. Director Pantalla Canaria
- Representante Rtvc [Tv Autonómica Canarias]

22,00 h. - 23,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
- Iris Alemán. Tenerife
Concert: electronic music:
- Nathalie Dion. ARGIA. Canada
- Luís Ortiz & Amanda López at ESPACIO ENTER on real time conecction with: TONNE. music and mix alive video from Brighton
Thursday 24th september. Morning |
10,00 h. - 11,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
Experimental Digital Image.
- Electronic Arts Intermix. New York
12,00 h. - 14,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Forum“Canarias Art, Innovation & Digital Culture ”.
Institutions of Canary Island / Creative: It debates with the participation of institutional representatives, artists and creative to debate on the development of infrastructures and endowment of media for the impulse the culture, the art and the canarian innovation in the digital era. Strategic Plans.
-Consejería Cultura Gobierno de Canarias
-Cristóbal de la Rosa. Coordinator Culture of Cabildo de Tenerife
-José Luís Rivero. Director Auditorio de Tenerife
-Virgilio Gutiérrez. Architect
-Carina Soledad. Director Virtual United ULL & Director 3D Master
-Manuel Montes. Photographer
- Carlos Belda. Actor & Director MCB Producciones
-Montse Arbelo & Joseba Franco. Artists-Directors ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS
Thursday 24th september. Afternoom |
16,00 h. - 19,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Open Tech.
Presentation of projects and innovative proposals related to the art, the culture and the technological innovation.
- Víctor González. Founder of Next Limit Technology
Real Flow. Winner of Technical Oscar . Hollywood
- Jesús Palacios. Journalist
- Manuel Meijide. Director Mundos Digitales
Ilux Visual Technologies
- Fernando Piquer. Director Bitoon
Videogames on line
- Imma Prieto
- Esther Friend
Development of Autonomous Solar Airplane. ITER

16,00 h. - 20,00 h. Workshop Place · TEA
- Workshop of Q. CINEMA
- Workshop of CAF
- Workshop of BLENDER

16,00 h - 18,00 h. Library · TEA
- Cristina Ghetti
Red Nomade
- Andrés Denegri
Lab Continente. UF3F
- Tina Velho
Río de Janeiro. Brazil

19,00 h. - 21,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Forum Experimental Music
- Andrés Noarbe. Rotor Record
- José Igés y Concha Jerez. Musician
- Oscar Abril. Director Multimedia Area of SONAR Festival
- José Luís Morán. Director FIB. International Festival of Benicasim
- Miriam Blanch & José María Pérez. Directors Intr:Muros
Festival Internacional de Arte Sonoro
- Bernard Habis. Director Elementhal Events. Eólica Festival

21,30 h. - 23,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
- Lucas Abela. Australia
Concert Electronic music:
- José Igés y Concha Jerez. Spain
Friday 25th september. Morning |
From 10,00. h. GAMES Place · TEA
- Japan Games
Especial place Videogames exhibition

From 10,00 h. Library · TEA

Simultaneous translated english and spanish.
10,00 h. - 13,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Open Tech.
- Jon Ipolito y Joline Blais. New York
Presentantion of INNOVATOR
- Gunalan Nadarajan. Singapour
Asian Platform
- Amanda McDonal Crowley. Eyebeam
Research projects. New York
- Semi Ryu. Korea
Virtual Puppetry
- Ela Kagel. Berlin
Transmediale. Berlin
Mobile Space

13,30 h. - 16,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Experimental Digital Image.
- Crosstalk. Budapest. Hungary
- Sould & Machines. Project of Art Futura to MNCARS. Spain
Friday 25th september. Afternoom |
16,00 h. - 19,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
International Symposium FUTURE NOW
The participation of prominent personalities of the world of the art, the science, the technological innovation and the digital culture. Among the main objectives of the symposium, we emphasize the creation of the Permanent Observatory "Future Now" in Canary Island for the analysis of the ideas and projects more innovativos and its incident in all the environments of the society.
Debate Session I
- Michael Doser. CERN. European Organization for Nuclear Research. Geneve
- Gunalan Nadarajan. Curator new media. Singapur
- Don Foresta. Director Multimedia Art Research Centres ElectronicLab. Paris
- Lori Zippay. Director Electronic Art Intermix. New York
- Atsushi Wakamoto. Director Japan Media Arts Festival. Tokyo
- Manuel Cendagorta. Director ITER. Tenerife
Debate Session II
- Jon Ippolito. University of Maine. Curator Guggenheim New York
- Amanda McDonal Crowley. Eyebeam. New York
- Johann Holland. Institute Research- Innovation, IRI. Centre Pompidou. Paris
- Juan Insúa. Director Program CCCB Lab. Barcelona
- Joline Blais. New York
- Ela Kagel. Curator Transmediale. Berlin

20,00 h. - 20,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
Representatives of sponsors institutions:

20,30 h. - 23,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
Experimental Digital Image.
Selection of international calls ESPACIO ENTER CANARIAS
Art Science calls

20,30 h. - 23,30 h. STAGE · TEA
Experimental music alive. DJ´s & VJ´s.
- Rubén Hernández y Juanjo Jordanes. Tenerife
- Christian Buehner& Julien B. Tenerife - Germany
- Colectivo +0. Las Palmas of Gran Canaria
LA CAPRIA Raúl Quintana, MUDSKA Pedro Mújica
DDO David Díaz TENSE VISION Emma Alonso
- Tomás de la Rosa POSTMAN. Tenerife
- Mia Makela. Finland
- Juan Belda & Manuel Lorente. Madrid - Tenerife
- Arbol + Testphase. Islandia - Barcelona - Sevilla
- Pink Twins. Finland
Urban Performance:
Tina Velho. Brazil
Saturday 26th september. Morning |
From 10,00 h. ESPACIO Tienda · TEA
- Japan Games
Especial place Videogames exhibition

From 10,00 h. Library · TEA

Simultaneous translated english and spanish
10,00. h - 11,00 h. Auditorium · TEA
Open Tech.
- Juan Insúa. Director CCCB Lab
New projects: Lab CCCB
- Michael Doser. CERN. Geneve
Projects of CERN

11,00h. - 14,00 h. Salón de Actos · TEA
International Symposium FUTURE NOW
Continues the participation of prominent personalities of the world of the art, the science, the technological innovation and the digital culture. Among the main objectives of the symposium, we emphasize the creation of the Permanent Observatory "Future Now" in Canary Island for the analysis of the ideas and projects more innovativos and its incident in all the environments of the company.
- Adrien Török. DirectorCrosstalk Festival, Curator Labor C3. Budapest
- Simona Lodi. Director Share. Torino
- Chus Burés. Designer. Madrid
- Fernando Piquer. Director Bitoon. Madrid
- Andres Denegri. Continente. Buenos Aires
- Semi Riu. Korea
- Juan Manuel Palerm. Director Bienal de Canarias
- Manuel Meijide. Director Mundos Digitales
Saturday 26th september. Afternoon |
17,00 h. - 20,00 h. Salón de Actos · TEA
International Forum of Experimental Digital Image.
With the movies directors participation and agents of the audiovisual national and international sector. Exchange of experiences and projects with the audiovisual creators and canarian´s agents for the promotion of the coproductions and the international diffusion its productions.
Debate I
- Lori Zippay. Director Electronic Arts Intermix. New York
- Jesús Palacios. Journalist Cinrma & Anime. Madrid
- Johan Holland. IRI. Centro Pompidou. Paris
- Victor González. Founder Next Limit Technology. Madrid
- Montxo Algora. Director Art Futura. Barcelona
- Blanca de la Torre. Curator ARTIUM. Vitoria
Debate II
- Atsushi Wakimoto. Japan Media Arts Festival. Tokyo
- Marta Rodriguez. Director TrasLa 2. rtve. Madrid
- Norberto Ramos. Director of Cinema . Madrid
- Oscar Aibar. Director of Cinema. Barcelona
- Borja Crespo. Director Arsénico Producciones. Madrid- Bilbao
- Alex Borrás. Director de DIBA. Barcelona

21,30 h. - 23,30 h. Auditorium · TEA
Experimental Digital Image.
Hienas. Norberto Ramos del Val

20,30 h. - 23,30 h. STAGE· TEA
Experimental music alive . DJ´s & VJ´s. Performances
- Christian Schärmer y Octavi Lobo. OCULAR. Austria
- Nathalie Dhion. SACRED SPIRIT. Canada
- FUSS. Madrid - Berlin
- Afgan. Kabul
- Miriam Blanch y José María Pérez. TENSION CO. Sevilla
Domingo 27 de septiembre. |
10,00 h. - 17,00 h. Auditorium· TEA
- DIBA. Barcelona
- DSSF. Bilbao - Madrid
- 8 bit. New York
18,00 h a 23,00 h.
Experimental Digital Image.
Lúcida. Iberoamerican Program"Continente"

19,00 h. y 22,00 h. STAGE· TEA
Jam Session. Musics residents at Canary Island