22 a 27sept 09 | English
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Cristina Box
Proyectot: BEHIND
“Behind” tells of the Palestinian situation developed “behind…”; behind a wall; inquisitively analysing motives and consequences of the occupation of a territory. From a comprehensive, honest viewpoint, we are shown how the control of natural resources, specifically WATER is the catalyst - among other causes - for a series of events that have led a group of people to live behind a concrete wall, overcoming the day to day hardships with a permanent breath of hope.
Daniela Simoncini / Pasquale Tangi
Proyecto: \"Untitled\"
Simoncini -Tangi, combine art with nature and technology creating videos, photos and special installations. They explore the concept of time, in its psychological, physical, scientific and natural dimensions. In this artwork, they are attention from water. The fluidity of the water suggests a sense of continuity and infinity: nature teaches us that the reality we are belonging to is continuously changing, but still following a constant and cyclic rhythm. In fact everything affecting our senses is fated to change, sometimes quickly, other times slowly: death creates life and vice versa. Nature appears like the \"science \" of life, which works with harshness and knowledge, nothing is left to chance: everything is used to create and maintain the equilibrium of the whole world. Jellyfishes move by millions in the Atlantic Ocean and their fate depends on the sea currents and the winds: they could remain in the open sea or they could be crammed in few days in ocean\'s dephts. However, while they are sinking they carry carbon dioxide absorbed from the superficy of the water, and in this way they avoid gas turning back to the atmosphere
Monica Elkelv/ Darren Smith
Londonres (Uk)
www.elkelv.net / www.darrenkarlsmith.co.uk
Proyecto: I
I (2009) DV , 3’35 min \'I\' is the first collaborative project from Elkelv-Smith. Developing a surreal look at the notion of identity, two girls are floated within an ethereal darkness amongst the creatures, which they adorn.
Monica Elkelv
Londonres (Uk) residency - Nació en Madrid
Proyecto: Kaos
“ Kaos” is a film based on the earliest condition of the Universe, before matter and the lower atmosphere that surrounds the earth. Kaos is the great void of emptiness within the Universe. The film symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction, and shows the relationship between the body and the natural environment representing the extremes of emotion by the loss of the body.
Erika Fraenkel
Proyecto: Sou um esquilo do mundo
The capacity of the questioning that must be encouraged.
Erika Fraenkel
Proyecto: Lembranças
Consciousness of the vulnerability and of the strength.
Fabrizio Cinzio Batuello - CINZIO
Proyecto: BLUEwave Project
It is a project developed through contemporary art; its aim is to increase ecological consciousness through individual actions and through projects made for urban spaces. Ecology, surroundings, climate changes are the subjects analysed. The project is presented by a video. Self-produced and independent, it has been made using not professional technologies. Licence to Creative Commons. Some Like Reserved. Concept, edit, realization of works and interpretation by Fabrizio Batuello (nickname Cinzio), independent artist. DECLARATION Fabbricare fabbricare fabbbricare preferisco il rumore del mare. To produce to produce to produce I prefer the sound of the sea Dino Campana – Poeta Dino Campana (1885-1932). Poet An effort to do, in a critical way, qualified and socially useful cultural actions. To recover the meaning of individual action, to change his own awareness both as artist and as inhabitant connects with the planet. An alternative project, because it is done in a way which promotes opposed behaviours. It is a no profit project. It is thought for a large public not necessary interested in art.
Federica Matelli
Proyecto: LiminalB Video Selection
LiminalB Video Selection es una selección de ochos videos de artistas internacionales que colaboran con la organización Barcelonesa LiminalB. La selección, llevada a cabo por Federica Matelli, curator de LiminalB, verte sobre diferentes variables del tema del limite o confine, cuya investigación fue al origen de la formación de la organización. Así mismo, en un acercamiento multidisciplinar, cada video trata y pone cara a cara campos diferentes, explorando como múltiples sensibilidades y dicotomías contemporáneas se funden las unas en las otras. Presencia en Festivales y Ferias Internacionales LiminalB Video Selection ha obtenido buen reconocimiento en ámbito internacional y ha sido proyectada en festivales y ferias de video y arte contemporáneo en diferentes países: · LOOP09. Videoakt Barcelona 2009. Internacional Video Art Show. España · DIVA. Digital and Video Art Fair. Paris 2008. Francia · Thisisnotart//Electrofringe. A Festival of Elecronic Art and Culture. NewCastle 2008, Australia · Videoakt Berlín 2008. Internacional Video Art Show. Alemania |
Federico Acal
Proyecto: Paper Video
Paper Video is a video work conceptualized with images from newspapers. I collected newspapers during 3 months when I was on my way to work. There are many free newspapers that one can pick up on the metro, train stations, malls, shops, etc. All these newspapers have something in common: they put together all kinds of news, from the most banal article to items of news such as wars, politics, social, etc. Sports, politics, natural disasters, sensationalist journalism, or art articles are mixed all together. These newspapers are made to be read quickly, they are full of color and big letters and advertisings overtake most of the pages. This is the way millions of people apprehend what is happing in the world. Every item of news come together as they were all the same, the information becomes this way banal and superficial; it is read like advertising or a TV show. The video is one single long take, it’s a camera traveling that explores a black space full of images that come and go. The camera floats through images which are empty of significance and are located in nowhere. The audio is a sound composition made with sounds from TV news.
Francisco J. Orallo Alvarez
Proyecto: Invasion of the intimate
A building in ruins, desolate changing rooms, an indiscrete window that turns us into voyeurs, a person taking a shower fully dressed... The invasion of the intimate presents itself like an unfinished dream, a state of vigil, between reality and fiction, a landscape desolated by ruins and failures of the soul, of secrets, of darkness and decay. The video is based on contradictions that create an unreal space, a visual lie, a metaphor of the inscrutable interior of the subject. In it, the viewer is given the position of violator of an intimate act, while the exposed subject shows that she is aware of her punishment by looking directly at the camera, and her shame becomes an exhibition in itself, breaking with the taboos of behaviour, that make what is secret and forbidden so complex. |