22th to 27th sept 09 | Español

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Adolfo Sánchez
Proyecto: Netlabels
Los netlabels o sellos en la red, se han convertido en los últimos años en una herramienta esencial para la promoción y difusión de la música en internet. Las di?cultades cada vez mayores que los jóvenes artistas encuentran para hacer llegar sus creaciones al publico y el tratamiento excesivamente comercial que las grandes discográ?cas dan a la música, han llevado a la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias de publicación de obras audiovisuales. En esta conferencia se pretende dar a conocer la potencialidad de los netlabels para solventar parte de estos problemas Contenido: • Que es un netlabel, breve introducción a la historia de los netlabels |
Artists Meeting
Proyecto: YTTP_2
YouTube Triptych Party 2 Today anyone can be a star. The famous, the infamous and the everyday Vlog webstars are here today and possibly gone tomorrow. Andy\'s 15 minutes of fame now barely last 30 seconds and the YouTube phenomena creates instant fame to be quickly replaced by the next lunchtime sensation or overnight international viral hit by a 5 year old kid from Nebraska named Fred. Through a process of performative appropriation and the over-sized projection of three simultaneous video streams on the gallery wall, Artists Meeting spins YouTube videos into triptychs using the unique features of You3b.com and the process of \"digital wandering\" or \"drifting\" through the parallel universe of public online video. While formally simple, the effect of presenting videos normally consumed privately by individuals in this public setting creates an uncanny, unsettling and sometimes hilarious effect on the viewers through the looping sequences, overlapping sounds and beautifully awkward combinations of artworks created by amateur and professional video makers. You3b is a tool that allows users to make triptychs out of YouTube videos. An Eyebeam project conceived by Jeff Crouse, produced by Jeff Crouse and Andrew Mahon and designed and coded by Andrew Mahon. http://www.you3b.com
Beatriz Ramírez
Proyecto: Proyecto Cruz del Sur
Espacio multimedia interactivo creado para la capacitación de docentes de Arte y Comunicación. Incluye contenidos, ejercicios de repaso, convocatarias de arte, enlaces a sitios de arte. Conlleva además la pretensión de relacionar a docentes y artistas para propiciar intercambio de experiencias y diálogos.
Natalia Angel
Spain - Colombia
Project: Game OVER
Fotografías imaginarias de una comunidad virtual - discurso sobre la creación de identidades ficticias y las interacciones entre estas identidades - Instantaneas de la dinámica en un supersistema |
Lorea Iglesias
Project: Mobile Art Blog
Mobile Art is a blog that collects artistic projects connected to mobile communication, such as festivals, publications and related events. The piece has evolved through my interest for this little gadget that is leading to so many great changes in social behaviour through the massive development in wireless technology. We are witnessing the increasing use of the mobile telephone in creativity and the development of cultural and artistic projects, taking into account that as a technology it is utterly contemporary, in a constant state of flux and with a high level of obsolescence that is practically immediate. As such, I have decided to use this blog to publish the data I have been compiling related to the subject. I believe that it is essential to store, analyse and structure this information, associated with pieces and in this way to be able to monitor the rapid evolution as a source for research and reflection.
Lorea Iglesias
Project: Mobile Art Blog
Mobile Art is a blog that collects artistic projects connected to mobile communication, such as festivals, publications and related events. The piece has evolved through my interest for this little gadget that is leading to so many great changes in social behaviour through the massive development in wireless technology. We are witnessing the increasing use of the mobile telephone in creativity and the development of cultural and artistic projects, taking into account that as a technology it is utterly contemporary, in a constant state of flux and with a high level of obsolescence that is practically immediate. As such, I have decided to use this blog to publish the data I have been compiling related to the subject. I believe that it is essential to store, analyse and structure this information, associated with pieces and in this way to be able to monitor the rapid evolution as a source for research and reflection.