Barcelona, 18th to 22th december 2009  |  Español

II      I n t e r n a t i o n a l       C o n f e r e n c e
I n n o v a t i  o n ,  N e t w o r k s   &  N e w  M e d i a   a t   t h e   C u l t u r e   &   S o c i a l    D e v e l o p m e n t

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Development of the Arts, Innovation and Digital Culture. ARTECHMEDIA


The presentation of this Strategic Plan for your debate and consideration is a summary of the general proposal in an attempt to synthesise those priority measures, agreed to by the institutional, artistic and cultural, technological representatives that participated in the various forums organised by the Cultural Art Tech Association.

We are aware of the complexity of articulating and developing this Strategic Plan, which has as its main objectives the development of a Knowledge and Information Society through the cooperation of all sectors associated with creativity, innovation and new media. Nevertheless, despite the current economic crisis – culture lives in a constant state of crisis – the policies that incentivise creativity, research, and innovation should be considered a priority if we are to emerge better equipped to face the changes in economic and cultural paradigms that are taking place throughout society as a direct result of the spectacular development of new technology. It seems unquestionable today that we need to establish stable alliances that offer novel responses to the challenges facing the globalised world.

As it stands, it is impossible to implement a shared development across all areas of knowledge. This is because of the compartmentalisation and dispersion of the innovation and creative sectors within Art and Science, the lack of networks to establish links between the various sectors and the institutional and corporative organisations that have been designed for the 20 th century, unable to respond efficiently to the opportunities that arise. There are several highly qualified groups working in the fields of art, research, development and innovation but they are not interconnected. This situation is preventing the implementation of protocols for a systematic investigation focussing on the culture of creativity and innovation in which society is involved. In contrast, an effective coordination of policies covering the arts, sciences, innovation, technology and society, would help to develop an innovative economic infrastructure. It would avoid the digital gap and social exclusion. It would make it possible to forge a closer relationship between all information and communication technologies and administrations and users and the development of a creatively and culturally advanced society that feels part of the advances taking place.

In the digital age, with unusual opportunities for all social sectors, ICT offers us a shared environment, a common language and tools that facilitate communication, knowledge transfer and effective cooperation. In order to achieve this, we feel it appropriate and essential to decisively engage with the new social and cultural paradigms based on creativity and innovation, with new organisational structures that respond to the demands of this new reality.

The main objective of this proposal is to contribute to the development of a society that is more just, more democratic, more united and participative, that leads us to a sustainable economy based on creativity and innovation in all spheres of human activity.


Principal Sections of the Strategic Plan:

International Organisation for the Promotion of Arts, Innovation and Digital Cultural Diversity. Estará constituida por un Consejo y una Agencia Ejecutiva.

Experimental Technology Centres for the development of Multidisciplinary Creativity, Innovation and Digital Culture.

Global Network of Art, Science, Technology, Innovation, Business, Governmental insitutions, and Digital Culture.

The Creative Digital City.


International Organisation for the Promotion of Arts, Innovation and Digital Cultural Diversity

The intersection between Art, Science, Innovation, Technology, Business and Society in collaboration with Institutions is no longer a mere announcement. It has become a launch pad for the generation of a new society sustained by networks and global communities, breaking with traditional behaviours. As a consequence of this we think more specifically of the Arts, Innovation and Digital Culture as a new form of understanding and interpreting our new reality and society today. The creation of this Organisation, with worldwide aspirations, will create an environment that allows us to think and articulate proposals in a coordinated and cross-cutting manner which will in turn enable us to comprehend and take the lead in a future that is already with us.

The most important functions and objectives:

It will consist of representatives from institutions and organisations associated with Art, Science, Technology, Innovation, Enterprise and other social sectors.

Promote debate and help form proposals for the coordination of EU policies, in terms of culture, science, innovation, technology and society, and to implement and optimise economic and technological resources.

Develop education, research and creativity programmes.

Promotion of art, innovation and digital culture.


Experimental Technology Centres for the development of Multidisciplinary Creativity, Innovation and Digital Culture.

With the formation of multidisciplinary, transnational groups, the trans-disciplinary nature of the creative process, in science, in research etc. can find a common language and locus within the Information and Communication Technologies that allows us to configure a new setting in which individuals will have the possibility to take part in the changes to economic and cultural paradigms throughout society.

They are conceived as Experimental Centres for the generation of contents related to the Knowledge Society and for driving creativity and innovation of individuals, artists, businesses and institutions.


Main functions and objectives.

The board of directors at the Centre will be formed by institutional representatives and relevant sectors, reflecting the local, national and international arena.

Private and institutional initiatives will be strengthened for the creation of Experimental Centres and the development of a Network coordinated by the Experimental Centres.

The team in each Centre will be formed by a reduced group of individuals with the appropriate scientific, computer and artistic expertise.

Collaboration agreements will be drawn up with other research and creativity centres, technology companies, universities etc. in order to develop projects that connect art with science and innovation technology sectors.

Permanent forums of “Future Pathfinders” in order to analyse and reflect upon the most avant-garde tendencies and to support innovative ideas and proposals.

Drive ICT and the Knowledge Society to research and promote Art and Digital Culture in open code, and the alliance between Art, Science, Innovation, Technology, Business and Institutions.


Global Network of Art, Science, Technology, Innovation, Business, Governmental insitutions, and Digital Culture.

The creation of a Global Network that incentivises creativity, innovation and a well-founded, collaborative alliance between Art, Science, Innovation, Technology, Business and Society through its Institutions, will faciliatate the exchange of information and knowledge, and will encourage effective collaboration in research, coproduction and the development of projects. All this will have an impact on the economy and on its creative and professional relationships.

Public Global Network

Information on sectors related to new media, links to other social networks, resources, calls etc.

Forum, chat, blogs, communities… for a better service and civic participation.


  Professional Global Network

The Professional Network will be specifically directed towards establishing a community of local, national and international agents related to Institutions, to Art, Science, Technology, Innovation, Business and Society. The network will only be accessible to limited a number of users in order to ensure that it optimises personal relationships, real knowledge of the different sectors involved and helps to establish cooperation agreements among these sectors.

The Global Network will offer the latest interactive technologies: web 3.0. It will have at its disposal resources and professional and public services. It will simplify access to information and syndicate other existing web pages.

Continuous updating of information and resources at a local, national and international level for all sectors related to new media.

Administrations, corporations and society as a whole will have available a platform online with an updated database and link to webpages with information on art, innovation and digital culture; it will incentivise the coproduction of innovative projects in the fields of art, science, technology and society.

Development of personalised contents and online collaboration directed towards interaction and the creation of communities and social networks.

Favour the creation of forums, debates, online workshops, exchange of ideas and projects that contribute to the development of new proposals related to the creation and distribution of quality digital content through the networks.


The Creative Digital City

The City's basic principal is equality in all human beings, independent of their colour, sex, race or economic status. This new spatial concept aims to respond to the transdisciplinary nature of the creative process and its collaboration with the science and technology fields. The traditional distinctions between different artistic and scientific disciplines are being superseded and in their stead new concepts have emerged that respond to the demands of today's diverse and inclusive society.

The Creative City offers common technology spaces and resources that favour encounters, reciprocal knowledge and the exchange of ideas, experiences and projects etc. They are considered spaces that integrate leisure, sport, and any other cultural and economic aspects that emerge from the production and development of projects.

The fundamental aim is to incentivise society as a whole to participate actively and creatively in innovative proposals, taking full account of gender equality and opportunities that avoid social exclusion. It will help to establish networks and virtual communities that give structure to creative relationships within this new society by promoting the active participation and the creation of cross-cutting infrastructures for creative innovation. The relationship between Art, Science, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise is taking us to a second revolution in cultural, artistic, scientific and technology terms, closer to societal needs at a local, national and international level.

We must push further research within our universities and technology centres. We must incentivise and promote digital culture and innovation, coordinate resources and efforts, and, above all, coordinate cultural policy, in league with technology companies and other social organisations so that creativity centres, as generators of a new industrial fabric, can flourish and attract capital. Otherwise, we will not be able to complain when others do what we have failed to do. What we need within Spain and Europe is to avoid reinventing what already exists, and instead to live in the spirit of innovation in order to build a shared future that is cohesive and without any exclusions. We shall put ICT and their creative potential within the reach of all society.





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