9-10-11th may 2007  |  Español

T  h  e      F  i  r  s   t          I    n     t    e    r    n    a    t     i    o    n    a    l
      C   o   n  g   r   e   s  s

a    r     t          &        n   e w         m   e   d   i    a

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-- videoart
-- net-art
-- 2D & 3-D animation
-- blog- videoblog
-- mobil platform
-- digital music
-- videodance
-- digital communities
-- geospatial , storytelling
-- artificial life, software art
    transgenic, generative


A r t     I n t e r n a c i o n a l   C a l l    A R T   T ECH   M E D I A   07

BLOG VIDEOBLOG:::::::::::::::: A r t i s t s:::::::::::::: A r t i s t a s

name: Angel
surname: Sánchez
country: Mexico
email: aam.music@gmail.com
URL: http://youtubecluster.blogspot.com/

name: Phil
surname: Edwards
country: Australia
email: phil.edwards@rmit.edu.au
URL: http://bodgieman.blogspot.com/
project: Bodgieman Blogspot

name: Beatriz
surname: Ramírez
country: Argentina
email: bramirez@telpin.com.ar
URL: www.beatrizramirez.com.ar
project: Escritura experimental, blog
project: Linda Chispa
name: ideasonair
surname: ideasonair
country: Italy
email: ideasonair@libero.it
URL: http://www.ideasonair.net
project: ideasonair.net-blogging as an open art project
name: Dorninger
surname: Wolfgang
country: Austria
email: fadi@servus.at
URL: http://bikemike.blogr.com/
project: Bike-Mike
name: Galina
surname: Manikova
country: Norway
email: galina@online.no
URL : www.galina.no
project: Blog on my website www.galina.no under name blog on topleft
name: Mez
surname: Breeze
country: Australia
email: netwurker.mez@gmail..com
URL : http://disapposable.blogspot.com/
project: -dis[ap]posable-
name: mucloveyou
surname: mucloveyou
country: France / Spain
email: hola@mucloveyou.org
URL: http://www.mucloveyou.org/
project : Mucloveyou.org, un blog artìstico, colectivo, bilingue y abierto a la participación
name: Olga
surname: Neva
country: UK
email: mush@mushroomship.co.uk
URL: www.mushroomship.co.uk
project: Mushroomship: Life in images
name: Patricia
surname: Miranda
country: Brazil
email: santamistura@terra.com.br
URL: http://santamistura.blogspot.com
project: santa mistura blog
name: Phil John
surname: Edwards McKinnon
country: Australia
email: phil.edwards@rmit.edu.au
URL: http://alphavilles.blogspot.com/
project: Alphavilles
name: Sara
surname: Lenzi
country: Italy
email: sara@soundesign.info
URL: www.soundesign.info
project: Sondesign.info: we all live in a sound environment
name: G.H.
surname: Hovagimyan
country: USA
email: ghh@thing.net
URL: http://spaghetti.nujus.net/rantapod/
project: Rantapod
name: Michael
surname: Szpakowski
country: UK
email: szpako@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.somedancersandmusicians.com/vlog/ScenesOfProvincialLife.cgi
proyecto: Scenes of Provincial Life

Thanks to all







-- books
-- Strategic Plan
-- official opening