A r t I n t e r n a c i o n a l C a l l A R T T ECH M E D I A 07
DIGITAL MUSIC ::::::::::::::: A r t i s t s
name: Alex
surname: Martin
country: Spain
email: alex.oxident@gmail.com
URL: www.myspace.com/alexmartinensemble
project: Sounds from the past, music of the future...
nama: Eldad
surname: Tsabary
country: Canada
email: eldad@yaeldad.com
URL: www.yaeldad.com
project: In the Eye of the Believer/
name: Décosterd
surname: Michel
country: Switherland
email: cod.act@lycos.com
URL: http://www.codact.ch
project: interactive installation - ex pharao
name: Eldad
surname: Tsabary
country: Canada
email: eldad@yaeldad.com
URL: www.yaeldad.com
project: In the Eye of the Believer
name: Gianluca
surname: Porcu
country: Italy
email: spacebiter@spacebiter.com
URL: www.spacebiter.com
project: Guitar Attack
name: Hugo
surname: Palacios
country: Mexico
email: hupasa@gmail.com
project: Caída Primera
name: Ish
surname: Shehrawat
country: India
email: ish@sarai.net, eeish@myself.com
URL: www.freemuzik.net, http://users.sarai.net/ish/muzik/dif/
project: diF - Muzik of sounds
name: Luigi
surname: Mastandrea
country: Italy
email: lui1980@hotmail.com
URL: www.myspace.com/onmindzero; www.undicidecimi.it/mind
project: M.InD.
nombre: Martín
surname: John Callanan
URL: http://greyisgood.eu
project: Sonification of You
name: Peter & Simone
surname: Bosch & Simons
country: Spain / Netherland
email: bosch.simons@ya.com
URL : www.boschsimons.com
project: Último Esfuerzo Rural
name: Ricardo
surname: Caballero
country: Mexico
email: obstruido@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/obstruido/Reallovedestroys.html
project: Improvisación Libre Performance de Ruido Electrónico
name: Sara
surname: Herculano Gallego
country: Spain
email: herculanosara@hotmail.com
project: Carteles
name: "Spacebiter"
email: spacebiter@spacebiter.com
URL: www.spacebiter.com
project: "Guitar Attack"
name: Claudio
surname: Curciotti
email: claq80@gmail.com
project: Friction de iq-bit
name: Frederik
surname: De wilde
country: Belgium
email: f.d.w.angelfire@gmail.com
URL: www.myspace.com/frederikdewildeakaimpure
project: EOD_Electric Courtship Songs
name: Gianluca
surname: Licciardi
country: Italy
email: oh@vodafone.it
URL: www.schlock.altervista.org
project: Rome, ext. night (s o n i c a r c h i t e c t u r e)
name: Henry
surname: Gwiazda
country: USA
email: henrygwiazda@cableone.net
URL: www.henrygwiazda.com
project: buzzingreynold\'sdreamland
name: Hugo
surname: Paquete
country: Portugal
email: exocentergroup@gmail.com
URL: www.myspace.com/hugopaquete
project: SSTFM synthetic sound to fit mind
name: Jose Fabian
surname: Ramirez Bayod
country: Mexico
email: frambaystermix@gmail.com
URL : www.myspace.com/gusgo
project: Gusgo
name: María
surname: León Petit
country: Venezuela
email: marialeon_petit@yahoo.com
project: Oh ! Illustre Chronos. cesse le festin!
name: Peris
surname: Philip
country: France
email: bakoymusic@club-internet.fr
URL: http://web.mac.com/phillip_peris
project: Didgeridoo electro music
email: info@play-code.com
project: "Proceso Digital", "Muestreo" y "Error"
name: Angelo
surname: all´Auro
email: salauro@libero.it
country: Catania, Italy
project: JOHN CAGE: in tutto c'e' musica! concerto-performance di Angelo Sturiale
name: Sanjay
surname: Ramachandran
country: India
email: ramachandransanjay@gmail.com
project: I hear rockets - Cheap Space Music
name: Suguru
surname: Goto
country: France
email: Suguru.Goto@ircam.fr
URL: http://0141712186.free.fr/Contents2/LeCube/LeCube-e.html
project: Augmented Body and Virtual Body
URL: http://0141712186.free.fr/Contents2/AVFestival/AVFestival-e.html
project: RoboticMusic
Thanks to all
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-- books
-- Strategic Plan
-- official opening
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