Curator: Ima Picó
Selección de trabajos creativos de artistas de Mumbai, Assam, Kolkata y Delhi. |
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Selection made by Shankar Barua, Director of CeC, The Annual Carnival of Creativity. CeC & CaC [pronounced "Sek & Sak"] is an annual global occasion to collectively seek out, manifest, learn from, connect with and enjoy a studied broad canvas of cutting-edge participation & content from India and the world, addressing the Creative Empowerment of Individuals by the burgeoning spread of Technology across multiple streams of human endeavour.
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Suman & Sourav. Kolkata
The creative duo behind TAXI, formed in 2005, are Kolkata-based Suman Samajpati and Sourav Roy Chowdhury. The duo artist group Taxi was. They work collaboratively, having evolved a unique style characterised by the merging of painting and photography.
Swimming around . Suman & Sourav [TAXI]. India 2009 |
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Paplu Deka
Paplu Deka. Cast: Sonal, Sameer, Nilima, Maada, Babul
Concept: Direction & Editing:Paplu Deka
Camera: Minturaj Deka. Production Manager - Aparaj
Producer - Mridupawan Bhagawati & Aparaj; Production - Nap-Sun's, India, 2009. |
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Selection made by Ima Picó: |
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Dhanya Pilo aka Decoy
is a visual jockey who uses her film making and photographic skills to create images of India that are evocative, personal and compelling. She is happiest while creating visual sequences spontaneously, while seeking a connection with the music and DJ. Dark, happy and calm, Decoy works as a film maker, designer and a visual artist from her studio in Bombay, the teeming hub of India's artistic and film community.
36Hkz. Sounds by Urban Hippy Project and visuals by Decoy. |
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Selection made by Iram Ghufran. Sarai Media Lab. Delhi.
Sarai is a programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, [CSDS] one of India's leading research institutes with a commitment to critical and dissenting thought and a focus on critically expanding the horizons of the discourse on development, particularly with reference to South Asia. We are a coalition of researchers and practitioners with a commitment towards developing a model of research-practice that is public and creative, in which multiple voices express and render themselves in a variety of forms. |
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Ravikant Shama and Prabhat Kumar Jh |
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Satyajit Pande
Is a cinematographer and a photographer. He lives and works in Mumbai.
Manus is the anatomical name for the terminal segment of a forelimb - in humans, the hand and wrist. In colloquial Hindi and Marathi, two languages spoken extensively in Mumbai, 'manus' also means 'human being'. Mumbai's suburban railway network ferries millions of commuters every day, and epitomises the tenuous grip that the inhabitants of Mumbai have on their city. Hands in trains create constellations of accidental intimacy, enter found solidarities, speak a vocabulary of silent gestures. A routine of handclasps anchors and cushions the daily uncertainties of a dense metropolis.
Production credits: Camera: Setu/Satyajit Pande, Editing: Shan Mohammed Thanks: Amit Choudhury, Surabhi Sharma, Kavita Pai, Sunil Shanbag, Amitabh Kumar |
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Selection made by Shazeb Shaikh, Curator and Founder Street Festival of Home made Videos.
Shazeb S. is the Founder of Conjure Arts and Media, an upcoming integrated arts business based out of Mumbai and New York. With Conjure, Shazeb aims to put together an artist community with a wide focus across art forms, media and genre to promote the works of established and upcoming global artists and their collaborations to produce releases and exhibitions in film, music, writings, social projects, visual and installation art. Though still in its first year [2010], Conjure has already produced a feature length film in India [Kshay] and a medium length film [Stealing Suburbia] in New York besides looking forward to unleash its first global integrated arts exhibition with the launch of a large format coffee table book titled Dispersed Diaries which brings together poetry, art, music and videos. With this financially-backed artist collective and arthouse [Conjure], the motive is to create a new channel to market art internationally with a sound business-end created by some of India's top business strategy and management consultants. Shazeb is partnering this new regrouping of artists and hopes to bring on multiple unique artists in different media while maintaining the purity and essence of creativity. In the past, Shazeb S. has established 3rd Thought Entertainment, an integrated-arthouse with a global artist collective of 32 artists from 14 countries. Shazeb is a multidisciplinary artist with a body of work in art [traditional and digital], music [IDM], and writings [classical poetry, epic poetry, prose] and films. He is also a co-curator at CeC 2011 [Carnival of e-Creativity], an annual global occasion to collectively seek out, manifest, learn from, connect with and enjoy a studied broad canvas of cutting-edge participation & content from India and the world, addressing the Creative Empowerment of Individuals by the burgeoning spread of Technology across multiple streams of human endeavour. Shazeb is also a core member of The Wall Project, a Mumbai- based social arts project that has gained mass popularity and drive with the citizens and governing bodies of Mumbai city. |
Ankit Mehrotra
(Part of the Street Festival of Home-made Videos) |
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