- Artificial Life
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Dario Quaranta
Rome. Italy www.wikitime.net Project: Wikitime Wikitime is a container for ideas, concepts and quotations that speak to us [so even indirect] of Time. Wikitime works like a wiki [work developed in the network through user just like the famous "Wikipedia" which is inspired. End of this "open work" is to participate in this vast community [web 2.0] and through the incessant information sharing is creating new forms of "collective intelligence". tag: digital communities |
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David Gómez Premià de Mar. Catalunya. Spain http://www.enlloc.org/hkp/index-es.html Project: HKp, apropiación creativa de los usuarios HKp es una iniciativa para
localizar, documentar y dar visibilidad a artefactos (objetos,
herramientas, aparatos, máquinas, software, vehículos, muebles...) que
son usados para un propósito distinto para el cual habían sido
concebidos. Buscamos cambios de uso, adaptaciones, transformaciones e
hibridaciones creadas por los propios usuarios.
La plataforma de participació, documentación y difusión del proyecto es el 'Wiki HKp'. Además se han producido cápsulas audiovisuales recopiladas en un DVD, una pieza audiovisual de 17min y 6 números de "PliegOS HKp", minipublicaciones en formato impreso y digital. tag: digital communities |
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Neokinok.tv Pia Capisano y Daniel Miracle www.neokinok.tv tag: digital communities |
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Herms Pont Barcelona. Spain www.rocherms.com Project: Postcards from Home Con Second Life y plataformas
de realidad virtual como PlayStation Home, el mundo se ha desdoblado.
En ese ‘otro mundo’ podemos elegir a discreción nuestra personalidad y
estilo de vida. Podemos persistir en la pantalla en nuestro tedio
cotidiano o embarcarnos en trepidantes aventuras. Podemos decidir a que
tribus urbanas virtuales deseamos adscribirnos. Y, lógicamente, en ese
mundo desdoblado podemos convertirnos en fotógrafos y tener que optar
entonces por hacer un reportaje ‘a lo Cartier-Bresson’ o ‘a lo Robert
Frank’, o tomar retratos como Richard Avedon o como Diane Arbus. A
estos dilemas se enfrenta el barcelonés Roc Herms con su proyecto
‘Postcards from Home’.
En su vida virtual, Herms sale cámara en riste al encuentro de otros instantes decisivos que harán gala de una gran diversidad, tanto en las obsesiones temáticas como en los tratamientos estilísticos. JOAN FONTCUBERTA. Aquí un link al proyecto entero. http://rocherms.com/album.php?id=1&idalbum=91&idioma=Esp&color=white tag: digital communities |
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Zabé Grégoire Strasbourg. France www.nobox-lab.com Project: People as landscape People as landscape is a real-time 3d landscape on the internet. A seemingly endless algorithmic landscape/ground is generated in this digital space. A video loop of a ground filmed somewhere on earth is broadcasted on this mathematical ground. The virtual sky is the image produced by a real-time webcam filming the sky from Strasbourg, France. A set of 9 audio loops created by sound artists are played endlessly on an orthogonal grid that is drawn through this landscape. The user can choose different sets of audio loops or different videos of grounds in a library when entering this landscape. The Internet user, walking through this space, leaves a trace behind him : a geolocalization icon, his pseudonym and the date of his passage. His chat messages are then inscribed like trunks shaping the landscape. Leaving this space, the avatar generates a black monolith, architecture of departure. The Internet user, leaving a lasting mark in this virtual world, is a space creator as well as a hunted creature . We then watch the confrontation of a seemingly endless digital world, and pieces of scenery [videos and sound textures] that are finished and alive. The utopia of the “new virtual worlds” engorged with freedom, rubs today with the reality of bodies, the movements of the actors, and all the first concrete components of life. This virtual world is multi-user, and a chat allows to communicate with other participants. Internet users, according to their choice of ground texture and sound environments, can chat with other avatars who have simultaneously a different perception of the same field. Therefore the aim is to question the theoretical limits of virtual worlds confronted with the limits of perception of these spaces and of our physical environments and to reveal the traces we leave on cyber territories and their impact on our identities and behaviors. It is also one experimentation that is generating a collection of viewpoints, routes, and crystallizing them into a digital space. tag: digital communities |