4ª edición: 8 a 11 noviembre 2012 | English |
- Artificial Life |
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OPN Studio Zaragoza. España http://www.opnstudio.com Proyecto: Vanita Bodegón contemporáneo
alegórico, a la vanidad del individuo de la sociedad actual. Replantea,
mediante la autoreflexión, las más privadas debilidades y
autoconvicciones, las cuales son exalzadas por nuestra propia persona
como virtudes cegadoras brindadoras de éxito.
Rastreando y reflejando la banalidad social, incitando la adopción de un sombrío y crudo punto de vista sobre el mundo, sumergiéndo al individuo en su fragilidad existencial. “La Vanidad es la ciega propensión a considerarse como individuo no siéndolo”. Friedrich Nietzsche tag: robotic |
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OPN Studio Zaragoza. España http://www.opnstudio.com Proyecto: Culto al Vacío Reflexiona a cerca del individualismo, el aislamiento y la concepción del individuo como ser social, creando un diálogo palpable con el espectador como agente participativo en torno a su mundo. Obra robótica que transmite el concepto mitológico de ‘Narciso o la estrategia del vacío’ de Gilles Lipovetsky. Alegoría al individuo y su exhibición social (alusión al mito de Narciso) cuya superficie aparece totalmente fraccionada, como si la sociedad se fragmentase y cada elemento se moviera de un modo independiente sin conexión alguna. Accionados por servomotores programados; no es sino la reflexión de la fragmentación y los posicionamientos individualistas que reflejan y absorben todo lo circundante al ser humano, creando nuevas percepciones de la realidad. Esta apología y denuncia del narcisismo individualista, plasma la preocupación del hombre actual por sí mismo, buscando su reflejo y reafirmación constante. La búsqueda del “yo” y la liberación del individuo por medio de su propia revolución interior, en una persistente búsqueda del conocimiento y de la realización personal. tag: robotic |
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Peter William Holden Leipzig. Alemania www.peter-william-holden.com http://vimeo.com/41445837 Proyecto: Vicious Circle Work is time based and video needs to be viewed to judge objectively. With this work I want to allow
the observer to day dream a little. Allowing them to transform the life
sized cast hands into a swarm that flocks together like birds in a
choreographed dance. The installation itself is fashioned from 8
individual minimalistic robots a mp3 player and an industrial computer
which is used to unite the hardware into a collective entity.
The combination of these elements becomes the medium that is in turn used to display the ephemeral content of the installation. The transient organized motion of the machines causes a blurring of boundaries. Sculpture and animation becomes united while the hands rise and fall to Prokofiev’s “Dance of the knights". tag: robotic |
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Wonbin Yang Chicago. USA http://wbyang.com Proyecto: Species series I create a series of autonomous
robots as new species having birth, life and death in the urban
environment. My creatures are not composed of organic compounds but
they have own characteristics and behaviors as organisms have in the
biological world. I investigate how these artificial life forms reclaim
the cities as their habitats, use urban facilities for their purposes,
and develop survival strategies to live in the man-made surroundings.
Metaphorically concerned these artificial agents as life forms, biological and zoological concepts merge into robotics through the creation process. Behaviors determine the structure of robots and their electronic systems. Various materials are selected to make robots and those are suitable for each robot’s life. Exploration proceeds with the creation of robotic species: tracing the robot’s everyday life in various territories and tracking the ‘social landscapes’ of interspecific activities. Documentations and collected data contain the robotic species’ histories of emergence, adaptation, and evolution. tag: robotic |
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Josefina Posch Gothenburg. Suecia www.crowdsourcednoir.org www.josefinaposch.com Proyecto: {crowdsourced} NOIR / Love Beyond Recognition A process based artwork based
upon open source and crowdsourcing. An Internet based application
allows gallery visitor to type in words that is being searched for in
online open source film noir archive, a film dialog containing this
word is played live, the dialog is what controls 3 web-cameras that are
pointed at sculptural installation here in Sweden of 2 figures. The
sculptures are made up of body castings of a multitude of people of
different ages and backgrounds. A compelling cinematic interactive
experience is created.
tag: open source |
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Marta Heberle Lodz. Polania http://soundcloud.com/martaheberle, http://isea2011.sabanciuniv.edu/.heberle Proyecto: TTTransHeXXenTTTanzPlatZZ Today, as we're observing
exponential growth in various technologies, we are at the same time
experiencing the phenomenon described by numerous thinkers as
singularity. The humans are becoming transitional creatures. They may
in time become superintelligence or on the contrary, be destroyed by
it. How is homo sapiens dealing with this situation? Are we able to
adapt to this ever accelerating speed?
In the words of William Gibson (1999), “the future is already here – it is just unevenly distributed.” The aim of my performance is to show, that by easy access to open source software [which in this case will be PureData] we may evenly participate in the future that is happening now. Through this easily available technology humans may express themselves, formulate their doubts, anxiety, and confusion concerning this special moment in which they find ourselves now. On one hand, the quick and dynamic shifts in audio frequencies generated from an open source software during the artistic action are meant to correspond to the rapid changes of accelerating speed of reality. On the other, the performance will also turn towards repetitiveness and recurrence of sound and body movement in order to turn it into the ritual magickal event and thus underline, that facing the crash of violent transformations we all tend to turn to universal symbols and primitive behaviors. tag: open source |