Internacional STAGE Call
Calling on all creatives of the world to participate.
>registration closed
Submissions will be accepted from the following categories:
- Performance
- Theatre new media
- Dance new media
- Fashion Innovation
- Web Development 2.0, 3.0
<Works must have been produced after January 1st, 2008.
<The number of submissions is not limited.
<The organization reserves the rights to use parts of the works for media <broadcasting, within the promotional framework of ESPACIO ENTER project of ART TECH MEDIA.
<Following the process of selection based on abstratcs, all participants will be notified in writing of the result.
< Authors will be responsible for copyright of their works.
<Works selected will be exhibited in ESPACIO ENTER project of ART TECH MEDIA.
<A catalogue- book-dvd will be produced in Spanish and English.
<Artists with works selected shall agree to assign a copy to ESPACIO ENTER. project of ART TECH MEDIA, which may be used in the subsequent exhibitions.
<The organization is not responsible for the content of works in order to preserve
<Those interested in submitting work in these categories must send a completed entry form.
<A part from the entry form can you send us DVD with their work to:
project of ART TECH MEDIA
c/Méndez Nuñez 102, 6ºD
38001 S/C Tenerife. Canary Island. Spain
DEADLINE: 30th june 2009
< Works presented will be selected by a committee of the organization.
<In each category a jury composed of experts will select the works.
<Jury's decision is final, and is not open to appeal.
SELECTED WORKS must include:
<Technical credits.
<Technical requirements for its showing.
<Two colour images of every work sent.
<A short biography of author or representative organization.
<All works must include in their front page: the work's title, the delivery
address, and the data of author or representative organization.
<In case of not providing a correct delivery address, the organization will not be
responsible for the works.
<Submission of a work implies the acceptance of these regulations.