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Ewa & Jacek Doroszenko
Warsaw. Poland
Project: Soundreaming
The Soundreaming is an interactive Internet presentation that takes the form of an audio-visual archive of locations around Barcelona. This website documents our site-specific compositions and sound impressions. Recording the dreams and both natural and human designed sounds during the expedition we created sound compositions derived from this material. Sound installations are complemented with a unique electronic audio composition, mixed with sounds recorded in Barcelona and lo-fi music.
When traveling, most people take photographs and use them to communicate a sense of what the experience of being in that place might have been like. However, the acoustic environment can provide a tremendous amount of the sense of place and feeling of a location in a different way than photographs. In our artistic practice soundscapes are playing the role of images.
The sound recording technique allows approaching the transparency of the environmental sound and translating and presenting it visually in a new context. Sounds are connected with visuals or interspersed with videos, but with the emphasis on the autonomous power of ambient sound to tell its own story and appeal to the imagination. Soundreaming attempts to translate selected audio events, taking place on the outskirts of the city, to the visual language. This project is a joyful rediscovery of various urban places, sort of an affirmation of soundscape and sense of hearing the World.
The project has been produced in a frame of an Art Residency Program at Fundació AAVC Hangar in Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
This work is fully online: http://soundreaming.org. It can be exposed or displayed on the white wall or any other empty surface. Dimensions of the screening are flexible.
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Natalia Puyol
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Audio de auto-hipnosis. Con este audio aumentarás tu paz interior, sentirás bienestar y disfrutarás de tranquilidad. Escúchalo en un lugar tranquilo y relajado, fuera de ruidos e interrupciones. Disfruta de esta arma beneficiosa para toda la humanidad. Durante la guerra fría las dos agencias de espionaje, tanto la CIA como la KGB, experimentaban con la mente humana, uno de uno de los experimentos se basaba en el control mental cuyo programa más famoso fue el MK-ULTRA. En documentos, muestran cómo la CIA pretendía usar la sugestión hipnótica para ocultar mensajes secretos en el subconsciente de una persona y así atacar al enemigo. Este audio es una auto-hipnosis pretende atacar a "Nuestro Enemigo", uno de ellos es la TROIKA. Esta obra artística evita ser un producto de mercado, con valores estéticos que obedecen más a cánones publicitarios que artísticos
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