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Knoblach. New Orleans
Project: Their Strong Melodious Songs [Boid For Walt Whitman]
Flocking behavior was first simulated on a computer in 1987 by Craig Reynolds with his simulation program, Boids. This program simulates simple agents (boids) that are allowed to move according to a set of basic rules. Walt Whitman's major work, Leaves of Grass, was first published in 1855 with his own money. As an American epic, it deviated from the historic use of an elevated hero and instead assumed the identity of the common people.
tag: webfilm |
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Ángela Carabaí
Medellín. Colombia
Pregoneros de Medellín
Pregoneros De Medellin
Production company: Carabalí Grupo Creativo y Thibault Durand
Project: Pregoneros de Medellín: El documental Interactivo
El paisaje sonoro de Medellín es contrastante. En esta ciudad hay voces de todo tipo, y entre ellas, los cantos urbanos de los vendedores ambulantes. Ellos entendieron que al cliente, igual que al amor, se le seduce por el oído, y a eso le apuestan para vender sus productos. Recorrer virtualmente la ciudad para conocer las realidades y problemáticas de estos trabajadores itinerantes es la posibilidad que ofrece Pregoneros de Medellín. Una web documental interactiva donde el espectador/interactor, dialoga con las realidades de trabajadores informales que raramente son protagonistas.
En el recorrido, el usuario eligie el ritmo y la ruta, creando una experiencia documental única. Puede retroceder o girar en puntos específicos y desde su silla, ir al encuentro con pregoneros que le contarán y cantarán un poco de su mundo. Hay entrevistas, videos, fotografías y registros sonoros a los cuales el interactor accede en el orden y el tiempo que desee.
El recorrido se hace con los oídos, los ojos y por supuesto con el corazón.
tag: webfilm |
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Wagon Gwenola
Paris. France
Produce company: Irréverences Production
Project: World Brain
Stéphane Degoutin and Gwenola Wagon, 2012-2015
World Brain is a film and an essay. It takes the viewer through a journey inside the physical places by which the Internet transits: submarine cables, data centers, satellites. The film adopts the point of view of the data. The audience view the world as if they were information, crossing the planet in an instant, copied in an infinite number of instances or, at the contrary, stored in secret places. Parallel to this exploration is an enquiry on the utopias and the ideologies linked to the emergence of a collective mind and the hypothesis of a global brain.
World Brain proposes a stroll through motley folkloric tales of the internet considered as a myth: data centers, animal magnetism, the inner lives of rats, a network of researchers in the forest who survive in the wild using Wikipedia, the connection between cats and stones via the Noosphere… The world we live in often resembles a Borgesian story. Indeed, if one wanted to write a sequel to Borges’ Fictions, one could do it simply by putting together press articles. World Brain is mostly made out of found materials: videos downloaded on Youtube, images, scientific or pseudo scientific reports, news feeds…
Data centers, submarine cables, Mesmer’s tub, animal magnetism, horde of nomadic researchers, laboratory for controlled schizophrenia, agriculture of memory, networked forests, Noosphere, Mundaneum, Wikifire, Sharing life, Lost in distraction, acceleratio-survivalism, high frequency trading, call centers, breadbaskets of cognitive capitalism, sharks, wild boars, jellyfishes, narcoleptic kitten, posthuman rats, total brain, internet of the inner lives.
tag: webfilm