9ª edición: 24 al 27 de agosto 2017 | English |
Convocatoria Internacional 2017 |
Alexei Dmitriev
Sain Petersburgo. Rusia
Proyecto: The Sadness Will Not Last Forever The most beautiful paintings are those which you dream about when you lie in bed smoking a pipe, but which you never paint. tag: shortfilm |
Antenor Ferreira & Katherine Alexandrite
Proyecto: Division Division (2016) is a conceptual work of video art that proposes to reflect on a kind of separation between mind and body in relation to the use of technology. Moreover, to consider the ways in which the technology can relate to the mind but affect the body or the bodies that make use of it or discover themselves in its inner. In this way, the images used have made this separation visible, with an intention to manifest as subtle complexities that an interaction between body and technology seems to suggest. The actual images are articulated to the punctuations and sonorities proposed by the music, especially in the way they reverberate over and ripple through the bodies (without at least we realize this daily fact). This visual music piece displays the result of a collaborative work between a Californian visual artist Katherine Alexandrite and the Brazilian musician Antenor Ferreira. tag: shortfilm |
Carl Knickerbocker
Proyecto: Night Periscope Collage of images and voices from the Periscope video sharing app. tag: shortfilm |
Diego Bonilla
Sacramento. USA
Proyecto: Accidental Occurrence The experimentation we pursue with Accidental Occurrence is based on developing a program that is able to edit a film in endless ways while holding a storyline. When Accidental Occurrence is watched once, the editing of the piece seems normal, and the choice of not having a dialogue seems odd, not very well suited. When different versions of the film are watched, the experience acquires a different aesthetic; the fluidity in the construction of the film starts becoming a feature. tag: shortfilm |
Henning Marxen Hamburgo. Alemania. Actualmente en Bangkok. Tailandia www.marxen.design Proyecto: Crossvision Modern philosophy deems it impossible for man to ever achieve an objective grasp of reality. So, in today’s popular culture, TV and social media all focus lies on comparing the individual perceptions of shared experiences. Sometimes, however, a reminder is needed that even the impressions we can agree upon are deeply subjective and specific to the human race. tag: shortfilm |
Jessica Moroni
Proyecto: Mátritamáh La intención de este vídeo es la de pararnos a pensar sobre un carácter determinante de la naturaleza y humano, que es la repetición. La sucesión de los ciclos, de las estaciones, de la vida y de la muerte, del día y la noche, entre otros, han marcado el ritmo de la existencia desde los principios del universo. La humanidad se ha hecho consciente de ello y ha creado el concepto de tiempo para ordenar su entorno y organizar sus actividades. Generando esta estructura, nombrando cada fase de la vida, hemos conceptualizado la ciclicidad natural y contribuido a su afirmación. Cada fase de la existencia tiene un nombre. tag: shortfilm |
Ju Shawna Seúl. Corea Proyecto: Snow white Short film from Korea. tag: shortfilm |
Kevork Aslanyan
Sofia. Bulgaria
Proyecto: Sofia, Bulgaria Peter Dimitrov, a graduated orchestra conductor, working in the field of selling and restoring pianos and grand pianos, believes that someday will become a well known conductor. tag: shortfilm |
Han na Kim Seúl. Corea https://youtu.be/dr_Qbgf7Dmw Proyecto: #communicaution Communications, is the most important and positive words. tag: shortfilm |
Marcia Beatriz Granero São Paulo. Brasil http://www.marciabeatrizgranero.com Proyecto: Minada Jaque Jolene realiza una visita secreta para desentrañar el misterio cultural contenido en la arquitectura moderna inacabada de los años 70. Minada fue el último documento antes del cierre de las actividades del Paço das Artes de São Paulo en ese espacio. Después de más de 20 años el espacio ahora es una industria vacunal. Un traliler de una película que no existe! tag: shortfilm |
Marko Schiefelbein Berlín. Alemania www.markoschiefelbein.com Proyecto: The archtype project The archtype project, re-stages a situation from a „Marlboro Maybe“ billboard advertisement which was part of a campaign that specifically targets youth from the so-called Generation Y and Z. It portraits a protagonist who is unable to enter the stage due to stage fright. The second character, whose role is loosely based on the Marlboro Cowboy, uses the spotlight to reckon with the shortcomings of the „Generation Maybe“ and its urbanity. In his ongoing and analytic monologue he manages to manifest himself by partly using phrases from Marlboro advertisements as well as phrases from psychoanalytic portraits about the Marlboro Cowboy that were transferred into spoken text. tag: shortfilm |
Minji Jeong Proyecto: A Day Between A day tag: videoart |